Wednesday, June 11, 2008


I just got some posts asking what I´m doing exactly and I realized that I probably didn´t do a good enough job explaining what all what I´m doing entails. I´m going to be a business volunteer here in Peru for the next 2 years and 2 and a half or so months. Actually, I´m not sworn in yet and have to go through training, but I don´t feel as if that´ll be too much of a problem. For some who are starting from scratch with their Spanish, it may be though. Anyway, I will be working in a community with a counterpart agency (local government, an artisan collective, farmer´s association or the like). The counterpart agency will already have a project in mind that will be my primary one, but I can do as many secondary ones like teaching English or starting a youth sports league as I like. I won´t know this information until I get sworn in after training, more or less. As a big picture, the Peace Corps is trying to aid in the sustainable development of small and microbusiness in Peru. This has many benefits for the community and individuals, and is a catalyst for more living and social improvements. There are several other categories of volunteers here as well, from health and environment to youth development.
As for what I´m doing right now, things are hectic. I actually get to sleep in until 8 tomorrow, which is a blessing. We´re at the training center nearly all day doing either business or Spanish activities, and afterwards I usually get in protracted (but very interesting) conversations with my host family and sometimes go out with other volunteers living in my area to explore the town or just hang out. I think I´m going to be popular because of the shear quantity of movies I brought along, and we may be doing some movie nights in the future.
My town is at the top of a huge hill and reminds me a lot of the little I´ve seen of Northern Mexico. That being said, most of the houses are pretty nice in the inside and I am more blessed than most with my full bathroom, nice bed, and electricity. The food is both different and excellent, and my host family is very nice. They own an internet cafe which is pretty convenient and I believe that I´ll even have internet in my room pretty soon. My brothers are in their thirties and very talkative, which is good. One works for a beer company in Peru and travels a lot and the other is a graphic design student by day and a roadie by night. I definitely have no complaints and will be posting pictures of the surroundings when I get internet on my computer, which will be in a week or so if I understand correctly.


Oberst von Berauscht said...

I was wondering, what kind of food have you been eating? I'm interested to hear what kind of culinary traditions they have down there.

Bedheaded said...


It definitely sounds like you're having a good time there. I look forward to your updates and I'm glad it's going well.

Gale Thetford said...

Well, this is the first time that I have ever posted a comment, so see, even old dogs can learn new tricks. A host family who owns an Internet cafe? What luck for you!!! Be safe, have fun. Gale